

Welcome to Bonnythings Creative.

Introducing A Wee Bit Creative

Introducing A Wee Bit Creative

Lately, I’ve been posting creative prompts each weekday on Instagram. I keep meaning to cross-post these on Facebook or Twitter, but I haven’t managed to get my act together.

I’m about to embark on the fifth week of these prompts. I’m managing to keep up with the posts, so I figured it was time to branch out. I’m going to share these prompts one week at a time on the blog. That way, you can go at your own pace, sifting through the prompts as you please. It also gives me a space to keep these prompts handy, rather than losing them to the great social media vortex.

Thus, I present the first week of A Wee Bit Creative!

These prompts are designed to be bite-sized dips into creativity. They are meant to bring something positive to your day, get your mind moving and get your creative juices flowing. In some cases, they are even meant to make you think, to process, to heal. They do not require many supplies. They do not require skill. Don’t overthink. Just create.

Let’s get started.


You guys, I love stick figures. They take the pressure off. You’re clearly not working on an artistic masterpiece, so you no longer have to worry about how it looks. Instead, focus on the little details.


I have written blog posts in the past about both ‘The Dot’ and ‘Jabberwalking’, so you all know I enjoy these books. They are highly recommended. They inspire so much creativity.


So, there you have it. The first five Wee Bit Creative prompts. Give them a try and tell me what you think. I’ll be catching up over the next week or so with the rest of the prompts that I’ve created thus far. Future posts will likely include examples of the creative work we have completed in my household.

Have fun and stay creative!

It's Almost Here: Nanowrimo!

It's Almost Here: Nanowrimo!